Tuesday, May 8, 2012


    As I dragged the trash out the other night, feeling very sorry for myself, I looked up and caught a fat, round moon laughing. 
     "So full of yourself," I snapped.
     "So fill yourself up; Who's stopping you?," He quipped, shimmering for a fight.
     I stared up at His Brightness with no come-back at all. The moon gloated in his cleverness. 
     I laughed at the absurdity of it all . Then, with the moon as my partner, a fifty-five year old woman danced by the dumpsters.


  1. Sometimes it's hard to see what blessings we have right in front of us. I'm glad that Mr. Moon talked you into seeing that for yourself. There are so many simple things to be grateful for...even those dumpsters!

  2. OMG. I love this. Keep dancing, girl. Keep dancing.

  3. Good for you! Keep dancing in the moonlight.

  4. What a great image you've created here.

  5. oh and I bet he cut quite the rug
    and he did not pretend to be anything but the trash
    ,,,,,,made you laugh

  6. You've been whimsical lately...nice touch.
